

你必须有一个 长期的徽章 进入基地去你的教室. 参考 基础访问程序 地址基访问. Call the 皇冠体育app斯联合基地 office of Prince George’s 社区 College at 301-981-5949 or 301-546-0778 if you have questions.

如果你已经有军人身份证的话, you may use it to enter the base and 不 need to get a 长期的徽章.

This process also applies if you are teaching an accelerated class. 请在上课前几天给我们打电话. Follow the same procedure as mentioned above to get your 长期的徽章.


The Prince George's 社区 College office at 皇冠体育app斯联合基地 is located at 1413 Arkansas Road in Maryland.

办公时间是上午10点.m. - 6:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; and 11:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 星期三.

星期五上午11点上班.m. 下午4点关门.m. 


Classroom assignments are not complete until the week before classes begin. 我们尽量满足特殊房间的要求, but must consider class size and other factors when assigning rooms.




皇冠体育app斯联合基地的皇冠体育 follows the main campus for cancellation of classes due to weather or other emergencies.

请报名参加 猫头鹰警报系统, which will send a text message to your phone about closings, delays, and emergencies. 或者收听当地电台和电视台的信息.


孩子们不允许进入任何教室或实验室. This is at the direction of the Base Education Office and is strictly enforced.

Guest speakers must go through the base access process and speak with the Program Director. 请提前做好计划.



让员工给你部门的复印机代码. 它与校园复印机的代码不同.

Please arrange for reproductions of large quantities of materials through your department on the Largo campus.



Incoming and outgoing mail from/to campus is transported every Tuesday and Thursday, 一般在下午一点到三点之间.m.

Anything that arrives for you from campus or information from the 皇冠体育app斯联合基地 Program Director is brought to your classroom by the night monitor prior to the start of class.


夜间监视器, 由基地教育办公室承包, 把你需要的视听设备和邮件送到教室, 确保你的房间布置好了, 并履行其他保管职责.

The monitor can be found in Room 102 in Building 1413 during class hours, 也可以通过电话202-486-0864联系.


All classrooms in Building 1413 have Internet and MS Office Suite (Word and Power Point) on instructor computers. These computers are connected to smart boards for large visual displays. 所有教室都有内置投影仪的智能板.

Flat screen TVs with remote/DVD capability are available in nearly all of the classrooms. 请确保您的视频是DVD. Storage space dictates that there is only one TV/VCR per building, so it is first come, first served.

Call at least a day in advance (301-546-0778/0779) to reserve portable AV equipment. 您可以一次预订整个学期的设备. Equipment available: one TV/VCR, and two to three overhead projectors (for acetate sheets).

不要用记号笔在智能板上写字! Special pens are available and an instructional binder is in each room. The smart boards are also touch sensitive, so you may touch the board directly or use the mouse. Ask for assistance from the PGCC computer lab technician (located in Room 111 in Building 1413).


开放实验室在1413楼113室. It is available for use by faculty and students during the hours of 10:00 a.m. 到晚上9点.m.星期一至星期四.

上课前请把邮件通读一遍, 特别是如果有项目主管的备忘录, since it could be timely information that needs to be conveyed to your students. Often it is base information that may be critical to know before the next class meeting.


Access to the Prince George's 社区 College library resources is through the computers in the college's open computer lab, 位于行政办公室旁边.

Remote access guides are available, as well as multiple reference guides in several academic areas.

Prince George’s 社区 College also has a partnership with the Prince George's County Memorial 图书馆 system to ensure that students can access the resources and support they need for research projects.

校园图书管理员是教师的主要联系人. 请致电301-546-0471获取信息和帮助.


每学期, faculty members are asked to fill out a brief information card with contact information in case of an emergency. Please indicate on the card if you want this information given out to students who are trying to reach you. If you 不 provide contact information, they will be referred to your department on campus.

带着教师信息卡到1413楼111室. 填写只需一分钟. 如果办公室关门了,把卡从门底下塞进去.



Use the "Class Meeting in Other Than Assigned Classroom" form (available in our office) to notify us if your class will be canceled, 搬到了另一个地方, or if you will not be able to have your class meeting during the regular time.

The Program Director notifies your department if you 不 show up for class.

Final exams are to be given during the last scheduled class meeting. 乔治王子在皇冠体育app斯联合基地的社区学院上课 按照课程表上公布的考试时间表进行考试.


如果您已经从媒体服务订购了电影, 请退掉 到我们办公室111室. You may also tell us if you need them picked up at the end of the night, and the night monitor will pick them up and bring them to our office for safe keeping. 我们通过办公室间的邮件系统把它们送到校园.

Do not leave things in the classrooms unless you have notified us to have the night monitor pick them up. 军事团体在白天使用这些教室, so be sure to take all of your belongings with you at the end of the class session.

尽管有些请求看起来微不足道, permission to use military classroom space may be rescinded if Prince George's 社区 College does not comply.

夜间监视器 will make sure that classrooms are orderly at the beginning of class. Please leave the room in an orderly manner at the end of the evening.


禁止在教室里吃东西或喝水. Eating and drinking may be done during class breaks in the foyer or outdoors during nice weather.


夜间监视器 is responsible for washing the dry erase boards and clearing trash.

我们将提供干擦笔和橡皮擦. 如果你需要什么,请通知我们.

任何建筑物内都不允许吸烟. 使用室外指定区域. 使用提供的烟筒.

We 不 have custodial services each night like the main campus. 我们要求房间准备好,明早供军队使用.


Ms. 萨曼莎·汤普森,推广中心支持专家
Mr. Anton Williams, Computer Technician (part-time, evenings, M-Th only)



