PGCC SGA and CAB Donate Arts and Crafts to Children's Hospital

December 15, 2022 - On November 29, 皇冠体育学生政府协会(SGA)和校园活动委员会(CAB)的成员聚集在杜克大学学生中心,为儿科患者组装了200多个工艺品包.

College Raises Over $25,000 on #GivingTuesday in Support of Student Success

December 13, 2022 - On Nov. 29, Prince George’s Community College partnered with GivingTuesday, a global day of giving, that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities, and organizations to encourage philanthropy and celebrate generosity. The College raised over $25,000 in support of student success, with 75% of donors identifying as employees.

Prince George’s Community College Student Helps Launch New Voting App

November 16, 2022 - Prince George’s Community College announced today that one of its students, Lemoni Conde, helped launch Voting Buddy, 一个新的网络应用程序,旨在帮助选民在他们的选举决策.

Senior Leadership Team Adds Two New Vice Presidents

November 15, 2022 皇冠体育今天宣布其高级领导团队增加了两名新成员:Justin Douds担任政策和总法律顾问副总裁, and Dr. 谢莉·约翰逊为对外事务、通讯和发展副总裁.


September 13, 2022 皇冠体育今天宣布了一年一度的紫光之夜点灯仪式, which will be held on September 29, at 6:30 p.m. on the College’s Largo campus. Co-sponsored by the Prince George’s County Sheriff’s Office, 这一标志性活动提高了人们对家庭暴力负面影响的认识, uniting advocates and survivors in support of collective change.

College Ranks among the 2022 Most Promising Places to Work

June 21, 2022 皇冠体育被评为2022年最有前途的社区学院之一, 根据高等教育杂志《皇冠体育app》进行的一项全国性研究的结果.

Former PGCC Standout Alex Morales Inks NBA Contract with Orlando Magic

August 30, 2022 -前PGCC杰出球员亚历克斯·莫拉莱斯继续在各个级别的球场上表现出色, signing a deal with the NBA’s Orlando Magic on August 15, 2022, after an impressive Summer League showing with the Golden State Warriors.


June 15, 2022 皇冠体育(PGCC)今天宣布,其网络防御项目已被国家安全局(NSA)指定为国家网络防御学术卓越中心(CAE-CD)。.

PGCC and Employ Prince George's Co-Host Free Job and Resource Fair on May 25

May 23, 2022 皇冠体育(Prince George’s Community College)和乔治王子就业学院(EPG)将在Charlene M . M .共同举办一场免费的COVID-19经济复苏就业和资源博览会. Dukes Student Center at the College's Largo campus on May 25, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

皇冠体育将于5月26日举行第63届毕业典礼, 2022

May 11, 2022 皇冠体育将于5月26日下午6:30举行第63届毕业典礼.m. More than 1,670 students are candidates for graduation during the ceremony, 比赛将在上万宝路的Show Place Arena和马术中心举行, Maryland.


April 12, 2022 皇冠体育(PGCC)的表演艺术中心上个月欢迎著名的哥伦比亚广播公司播音员和杰出的宗教领袖詹姆斯·“JB”·布朗来到校园, 作为由艾美奖获奖传播学教授卢·霍尔德主持的大众传播系列演讲的一部分.

五年拨款资助新设暑期学院,为学术课程及生活技能训练作准备, along with expanded mentoring to ensure student success

April 07, 2022 - Prince George's Community College (PGCC) has received a $3.7 million PBI (Predominantly Black Institution) grant from the U.S. 为黑人学生提供更多的机会和成功. The five-year grant will fund the College’s R.I.S.E. (Reach. Inspire. Success. Evolve.) Program, $748,336 each year, through September 30, 2026.


March 02, 2022 皇冠体育(PGCC)的三名学生进入了竞争激烈的杰克·肯特·库克本科转学奖学金的半决赛, 哪些学校为优秀的社区大学学生提供慷慨的经济支持,让他们在四年制大学或学院完成学士学位.


February 24, 2022 -职业发展和实习办公室今天加入马里兰州高校联盟,举办2022年春季护理和专职医疗专业人员虚拟职业博览会, which will be held from 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. EST.


February 15, 2022 今天,来自马里兰州16所社区学院的学生齐聚一堂,支持学生维权日集会, 这是由马里兰州社区学院协会(MACC)赞助的年度活动,为学生提供了一个与民选官员直接会面的平台,以证明州政府继续支持社区学院.


February 09, 2022 皇冠体育(PGCC)今天宣布,被社区学院受托人协会(ACCT)和教育战略集团(ESG)选择参加非学分和信用校准实验室(NCAL)。.


January 25, 2022 - Prince George’s Community College (PGCC) announced today a new $100,与美国银行合作,支持学生的微路径发展.

Prince George’s Community College Recognized for Three Top Programs in the U.S.

January 19, 2022 -, 在线/校园课程排名和高等教育规划的可靠资源, 将皇冠体育列入了2022年的评估项目名单.